BLOG | Foundations Consulting

Want Today's Talent? Use Today's Perspective for Recruiting

Written by Amy Ryan | Feb 21, 2023 8:19:10 PM

Your tried-and-true approach to recruiting may have brought success in previous years, however if you haven’t reviewed your recruiting procedures lately, are you still getting optimum results? 


Recruiting: What Candidates Want


Today’s candidates value opportunities for training and development, inclusion, and personal flexibility in when and where they work.


Are you addressing any of these aspects of work in your job postings and during the interview process, or are you focusing only on job requirements? 

If it’s important to your potential hire, it should also be important to you. Make sure that message comes through in the job posting and in your employer brand. Highlight values during the interview by providing examples of culture and work environment, and how it works at your organization IRL (that means ‘in real life’ for those of us over 40).



Recruiting Outreach

Need an Idea? Sponsor events or perform community services that showcase your company values to build your employment brand. For instance:

  • If your cooperative champions inclusion, help sponsor a diversity event
  • If your cooperative values employee development, host a training session for the community at your location

Show people what your cooperative values and demonstrate that you are actively committed to those values.


Today's Tip: The recruiting process looks different on the candidate's side; work to see it from their perspective.