I have a friend who works in the construction business. In his role as Foreman of an iron working crew, Craig needs to provide direct and honest feedback on a daily basis. If someone is lagging behind and not pulling their weight (pun intended), it brings down the entire crew’s schedule. Imagine if he waited a month to share feedback with someone who wasn’t welding two sections correctly. It may result in significant project delays and quality issues on the core structure of a building, all due to a lack of effective and timely performance management.

On a construction site, it’s quickly apparent if someone is struggling from a performance perspective, because their work output is readily visible.
In an office setting with less team-based work, or in a coop where someone is repairing electrical lines with only a peer or two with them, issues can be more difficult to uncover.
Although it’s not likely your favorite thing to do, it’s important to address performance management opportunities when you see them – don’t delay. The issues probably aren’t new and waiting just makes the impact of their deficiency greater, and the feedback conversation more awkward.
5 Steps on Providing Kind and Direct Feedback
Find a time to talk with the employee away from their peers.
Begin with an explanation of your intent. Take our construction example… “I have a few ideas I’d like to share with you that might help you become more efficient when welding.”
Clearly explain the behavior you see.
Identify how that behavior impacts others – maybe a peer or customer is negatively impacted, or the general success of the project is at risk.
Discuss ideas on how to move forward in a more efficient manner. In some cases, you may have specific ideas and suggestions. If there’s an opportunity, ask the individual for their suggestions on how to move forward.
While it can be easy to focus on simply filling out performance management forms and completing the required performance review processes simply to “check a box”, the point of performance management is to share on-going feedback, leading to improved performance. My friend Craig does this well with regular feedback – and his approach benefits his employees as much as it does him.
Feedback Training Opportunity
Coop managers and project leaders can benefit by having a solid understanding of feedback principles. I’d like to invite you to join our upcoming virtual training session on Giving and Receiving Feedback. It will be held on Thursday, October 13 from 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. (Central).
During this 90-minute training, leaders will be led by Beth Ostrem to learn more about:
- Tips on creating an open environment for feedback
- How to model receiving feedback
- Best practices on sharing positive and constructive feedback
- Practice giving and receiving feedback
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