HR in the Field Blog

Gaining Perspective: The Art of Zooming Out

Written by Amy Ryan

Melanie, a longtime friend of mine, grapples with generalized anxiety disorder, and through years of effort, she's learned to identify triggers and manage her condition. Recently, I found myself unexpectedly anxious while packing for a routine business trip. It was a moment of frustration—why was I anxious when I've had such trips countless times before? Ugh.


It got me thinking - why can I so easily help Mel, but find it challenging to help myself? Good question.



Finding a Broader View by Zooming Out


It turns out anxiety tends to tunnel my focus onto a specific concern, spiraling my thoughts into a whirlwind of what-ifs and potential pitfalls. To break free from this cycle, I have to shift my perspective.


Continuing to pack for my trip, I consider the power of perspective and I decide to take a more proactive approach. Confronting the anxiety surrounding my impending business trip, I halted the negative thoughts, took a few deep breaths, and consciously zoomed out on my situation. It was a mental exercise where I envisioned my surroundings and then, like zooming out on a map, I expanded my view to capture a wider perspective.


Zooming out served as a powerful tool, reminding me that the significance of my anxiety diminishes as I broaden my outlook. It's a simple yet effective way to restore balance and regain control.


In a world where anxiety has surged, it's essential to equip ourselves with strategies to navigate the challenges. So, the next time you find yourself on Anxiety Avenue, consider the art of zooming out. Take that deep breath, shift your focus, and embrace a broader perspective – you, and those around you will thank you.

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