HR in the Field Blog

Together Like PB & J: Improving Engagement and Satisfaction

Written by Amy Ryan

As a manager, I’d much rather have you quit than stay and be unhappy.


The negativity that ‘actively disengaged’ employees bring to the culture of the workplace is toxic and can be all consuming.


Closeup portrait grumpy annoyed, sad, unhappy, dissatisfied young woman, wife, employee, customer, isolated grey wall background. Human face expressions, emotions, reaction, attitude, perceptionYou know the type – they purposefully act in ways that are counterproductive while trying to illicit sympathy for the supposed poor treatment they receive. Rarely do they hide how they feel from peers or even customers, working to draw other team members into their drama. It breeds negative vibes.


Negativity is like an airborne infection. The outward lack of happiness of one of your employees can cause dissatisfaction in another team member before 9:00 in the morning. This cycle will then reach your customers, and your staff’s low supply of energy and motivation will take root in them.


Beep... beep... beep - Back it Up! Before heading down that spiral of unhappiness, stop and reflect.


Improve Engagement through Conversations


Start reflecting at the beginning:

  • What is causing this lack of engagement? What are the root causes?
  • What employee needs are not being met or addressed?
  • What’s the best way to improve employee engagement?


When in doubt, check in with employees and ask them questions about how things are going at work. It could be that some turnover is necessary and it’s time for them to move on. Or, maybe you learn that processes or communication can be modified to resolve the issues causing the dissatisfaction.


Thankfully positivity can also transmit like a virus
(in a good way!)


Addressing and increasing employee engagement and overall happiness will positively impact employees and customers alike.

It goes together like peanut butter and jelly.





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