HR in the Field Blog

Help Wanted!              Interview Questions for Seasonal Workers

Written by Amy Ryan

Because seasonal employees are only with us for a short time, it can be tempting to short-cut the interview process. And while it may make sense to shorten the number of selection steps (i.e. one round of interviews rather than two), asking the right questions can help avoid a bad seasonal hire. Here are some interview questions I’ve found helpful…


Insightful Interview Questions for Seasonal Workers


Why are you looking for a temporary position? Do you think you’re a good fit for the role?

  • It can help you determine the likelihood that they stay for the entire season.

What are your work plans once the season is over?

  • This question can help to assess the type of roles a candidate has their sights set on, so you know exactly where they fit in your talent pipeline.

What is your availability?

  • For seasonal workers, one of the most important factors is their availability. It won’t do you any good to hire a candidate that can’t be able to be there when you need them most.

Is your schedule flexible?

  • Knowing how flexible your potential employee can be might make the difference in achieving full coverage or not.

PortraitAttractiveYoungManTalking smallCan you give me an example where you had to learn quickly on the job?

  • Adaptability is one of the most essential traits of a seasonal hire. Due to the short term and quick turnaround of the position, temporary staff need to quickly learn processes and protocol.

What do you hope to learn or gain from this position?

  • The majority of seasonal employees aren’t seeking permanent employment, but it’s still crucial to understand the “what” and “why” behind their motivations.

How will you provide value to our team this season?

  • Seasonal employees may be with you for a short time, but they have the potential to make a lasting impact on end-of-the-year numbers and customer satisfaction.

What is your past experience in this industry?

  • This question is your best source for determining how much training a candidate will need to become proficient in their tasks.

What would make you quit a job in the first week or month?

  • This question is an easy way to learn potential hot buttons, and further determine if the candidate is the right fit for the job.


Interview questions are one piece of the recruiting puzzle. For additional information about hiring seasonal staff, please visit our blog which includes tips for recruiting seasonal workers.



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