We all have employees we don’t want to lose. How can we keep them engaged, interested, motivated, and productive? Since tying them to their desk chairs isn’t a good (or probably legal) option, how can make our employees want to stay?
Compensation. Flexible Schedule. Commute.
Research consistently points to these and several other aspects of work that are reasons people stay with their organizations. Things like pay, schedule and distance to work, are pretty straightforward to address and determine if you’re aligned with your employees’ expectations. One that is a bit more nebulous is that of appreciation.
Appreciation is a bit harder to define because it’s subjective and varies from person to person. But when it’s done well, you know it. Think about a time when someone recognized you for an achievement, and expressed appreciation to you in a way that was meaningful and impactful. The result was a feeling of gratitude and being valued for a job well done.
Appreciation is so important, there’s a National Employee Appreciation Day. It’s actually coming up – on March 4.

The desire for appreciation doesn’t end when the workday stops – this applies to all relationships. Many moons ago when my now husband and I were dating, he chivalrously opened and closed the doors for me when would go out on dates. Not all that unusual, I thought, since we were in the ‘courting’ phase of the relationship. I appreciated the gesture and made sure to thank him each time. One day as he was opening my car door for me, I thanked him and then asked, “So, how long does this last?” His response hit home. “It lasts as long as you appreciate it.”
As long as I appreciate it. I’ve taken that to heart, and I still appreciate his gesture (and yes, he still opens my door!). I’ve also found that when I show appreciation of others’ work or efforts, at home or work, they are grateful for it too.
And here’s the kicker – this has benefits far beyond just making people feel good. Work that is recognized and appreciated tends to get repeated – so showing appreciation can increase the likelihood of positive outcomes. An employee who feels appreciated, valued, and recognized for the work they do is much more likely to stay and be a strong contributor to the organization’s success.
I’m not sure who said it, but one of my favorite management quotes is “A person who feels appreciated will always do more than expected.” Try it. It just might work.