HR in the Field Blog

Unfreeze Employee Motivation in the Winter Chill

Written by Amy Ryan

Brrr… winter has arrived, bringing with it frosty temperatures, cozy sweaters, and the perennial battle between you and your duvet every morning. As the snowflakes gently cascade down from the sky, so too can our collective spirit.


It’s time to unfreeze employee motivation amidst this winter cold.


Three Ways to Unfreeze Employee Motivation


Chilly Monday Morning Challenge

Ah, winter Monday mornings – colder than your ex's heart, or so the saying goes. But fear not! We can turn those frosty vibes into a game. Challenge your team to a "Monday Morning Arctic Dash."


BusinessGroupCoffeeBreak smallThe first one to arrive in the office gets a coffee shop voucher, and the last one brings donuts the following Monday. Suddenly, everyone's racing to beat the frostbite, and Mondays aren’t as horrible. Plus, donuts – yay!


Hot Cocoa Brainstorm

If I’m expected to get my brain going in an innovative direction, chocolate can only help, am I right? Nothing warms up creativity like a cup of steaming hot cocoa.


I suggest replacing the usual coffee in your brainstorm sessions with a hot cocoa bar. Marshmallows, whipped cream, and sprinkles can turn your brainstorm into a new mix of ideas, encouraging an open dialogue.


Frosty Team Building

Winter sports aren't just for the Olympics; they're for work too (kind of)! Arrange a team-building session with activities like snowman building, ice skating, or even a "freeze tag" tournament. Nothing bonds a work group like the shared struggle of staying upright on slippery ice!


Figure Skating Team outing-1True Story: Our team at Foundations recently embarked upon an ice-skating adventure over the lunch hour. Some demonstrated an impressive ability to balance on blades – and others, well, were a bit less graceful. But one thing everyone shared were the smiles and laughter that filled the rink – creating shared memories.


Winter is here and will not pass any faster with our complaints. So instead grab some hot cocoa, embrace the chill, turn it into a playful dance, and let the frosty adventures of motivation begin.


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