HR in the Field Blog

Work Motivation: A View from Each Generation

Written by Amy Ryan

As a Gen Xer, it’s been interesting to me to watch the Boomers and the Millennials, the generations on either side of me. For the most part, Millennials (or Gen Y) are the children of Boomers. I sit between these two generations, and it’s been easy for me to judge these two groups. After all, if we have complaints about Millennials, it’s the Boomers’ fault, right? They raised them, after all.


Now we have Generation Z filtering into the workforce. These kids (okay, young adults) are mostly the children of Gen X. Oh how the tables have turned! It’s time to face the music of a new generation.

One of the most significant differences between the generations is what motivates and inspires them – because what inspires one generation may not do so for another. To illustrate, let’s take a look at some examples.SpeechBubbleMotivation


Larry the Baby Boomer (1946-1964)


My husband, Larry, is a Boomer and proud of it. He is ambitious, competitive, and often ties his personal identity to his work. He is very loyal and a hard worker. Given those characteristics, he’s motivated by:

  • Being tapped to mentor others and sharing knowledge/expertise, which can also meet his desire to make a difference in his workplace and leave a lasting legacy
  • Receiving formal recognition and promotion for the value and expertise he brings
  • Challenging work that capitalizes on his penchant for competition and makes him part of the decision-making process

It's Me - Generation X (1965-1980)


I can speak from experience on this one. My generation is typically credited with starting the idea of work-life harmony, and I'm the poster child for it!


I’ve worked remotely at least two days a week for the last 20 years, and it’s by far my largest retention factor. Known as flexible, independent, and informal, we Gen Xers are typically motivated by:

  • Personal and professional development opportunities for ourselves, and the opportunity to provide guidance and mentorship to others
  • Immediate and succinct feedback – I want to know how I’m doing so I can either keep it up or fix it, and it doesn’t need to be a long conversation
  • That treasured work-life balance, such as the ability to work from home, a flexible work schedule, and rewards that include time off


Elizabeth the Millennial (1981-1996)


My cousin Elizabeth is part of the first generation to enter the workforce with a tech-savvy background. While she may have grown up around technology, she is the first to admit that doesn’t make her a tech expert! Elizabeth and her generational peers tend to be collaborative, achievement-oriented, and competitive. They are motivated by:

  • Managers and peers who engage with them personally, creating a collaborative work environment to share ideas
  • Flexible schedules and appropriate work volume to maintain work-life balance – so not only how/when work gets done, but the volume of work as well
  • Learning opportunities to focus on continual development and rewards that come in the form of a raise or paid time off

Morgan in Generation Z (1997-2010)


Last, but not least, are the rookies. My daughter Morgan exemplifies what it means to be in this generation. Incredibly self-motivated, she works hard for you but expects a lot in return. To motivate this newest generation:

  • Integrate flexibility, convenience, and technology tools into their work
  • Provide real-time updates/feedback frequently and engage them through in-person interaction, don’t rely only on technology to connect
  • Understand their desire for structure and development and to have a plan for their growth - including mentors who will offer value and insight, helping to chart a career path


Motivate Individual Employees


Understanding generational differences helps to motivate, encourage, and retain employees within the company.


Regardless if you have a Larry, Elizabeth, Morgan, or me on your payroll, everyone wants to contribute and have success at work – the trick is to use the right approach to effectively motivate each individual.



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