HR Scoop

HR Scoop articles dig deeper into HR and management topics, providing insights and best practices to improve performance across your cooperative.


2022 Salary Budgets in a Dynamic Environment

At least once a week, Foundations Consulting gets asked some version of the same question: “What are you seeing as far as base salary increase budgets...

Being Agile... It’s Not Just for Software Developers

The demands and expectations of HR departments require HR leaders, professionals and support staff to be quick to change.

Using HR Metrics to Make Business Decisions

As HR processes are automated and more data is stored electronically, organizations can capture and analyze metrics on the “people side” of the...

Manage Culture Across Locations

Workplace culture is experiencing one of the most significant shifts in recent memory, driven primarily by the pandemic which required all of us to...

Cultural Dynamics When Returning to the Office

COVID-19 vaccinations are underway and at some point this year, many of us who have been working from home will be returning to the office in some...

Evolving Internship Programs

Internships are a unique opportunity for students to learn more about the working world while employees have the opportunity to mentor upcoming...

Shift in Perspective: Pay for Talent

Pay for performance is a widely used approach to compensate employees, and for many years it has worked well. While paying employees based on past...

Job Descriptions That Reduce Organizational Risk

Job descriptions are at the foundation of many HR processes and decisions. They establish the minimum qualifications for entry into a job, document...

Flexing Work Time and Location

BENEFITS OF FLEXIBLE WORK ARRANGEMENTS Flexible work arrangements can have a significant positive impact on recruitment, employee engagement and...

Managers: Educate Employees on Compensation

Talking with employees about their compensation can be uncomfortable, whether for a big promotion or a smaller than expected bonus. Nevertheless, it’s...

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