HR in the Field Blog

HR in the Field provides tips and ideas to improve HR and management practices within your cooperative.

Name: Amy Ryan

Amy has spent her 25-year career working with ag-related organizations, helping to engage, develop, and reward employees. With a Master’s Degree in HR and Certified Compensation Professional designation under her belt, Amy likes to partner with others to tackle tough human resource challenges, and often interjects humor in her approach.


Work Motivation: A View from Each Generation

As a Gen Xer, it’s been interesting to me to watch the Boomers and the Millennials, the generations on either side of me. For the most part,...

Recruiting: If You Communicate, They Will Come

When you recruit someone, you are creating an impression – of yourself and the organization you represent. Whether or not this person is hired, an...

Spring Cleaning for your HR Closet!

It doesn’t happen often, but when I get motivated to clean and organize, watch out! Last weekend I was inspired to clean out the linen closet. You...

Help Wanted!              Interview Questions for Seasonal Workers

Because seasonal employees are only with us for a short time, it can be tempting to short-cut the interview process. And while it may make sense to...

Plan for the Window in Your Recruiting Procedures

It’s about 45 to 60 seconds. That’s the time it takes to walk from the lobby in your workplace to the interview room. That one minute is often the...

Together Like PB & J: Improving Engagement and Satisfaction

As a manager, I’d much rather have you quit than stay and be unhappy. The negativity that ‘actively disengaged’ employees bring to the culture of the...

Wear the Button: It's Equal Pay Day

I was young, maybe 5 or 6. My grandma had a button pinned on her coat (yes, buttons were a thing then) – the button was red, white, and blue and said...

Leverage HR Solutions to Ward Off Burnout

It can feel like trying to walk up the down escalator – you’re working hard but not making progress. And as more employees burnout or resign, the...

Want Today's Talent? Use Today's Perspective for Recruiting

Your tried-and-true approach to recruiting may have brought success in previous years, however if you haven’t reviewed your recruiting procedures...

It's in the Delivery: Ready for Feedback?

I like the wind. It can be gentle like rustling leaves or forceful like a tornado. The wind itself is not something we can see or hold, yet it contains...

HR in the Field Blog

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