HR in the Field provides tips and ideas to improve HR and management practices within your cooperative.
I like the wind. It can be gentle like rustling leaves or forceful like a tornado. The wind itself is not something we can see or hold, yet it contains...
My resolutions set for the new year hardly ever last. Except one year, when I resolved to randomly wink and smile at people. That lasted through April,...
Recently, I spoke with a group of cooperative CEOs about today’s volatile labor market and shifting compensation trends in merit increases and starting...
I have yet to meet a manager who likes to talk about compensation with their employees. It’s a challenging and complex topic that directly impacts...
“I love performance reviews,” said nobody ever. But what if you could change how those meetings go? What if, instead of the same review-the-form...
How often do you thank someone? I bet it’s several times a day. Thanks for holding the door, for explaining a process, for delivering a package. It’s...
We all want to belong and feel included within various facets of our lives. That sense of inclusion may come easily in your family or place of worship...
I often joke that I use a dart board when making compensation decisions. Although fun and possibly amusing, it’s not the approach to take when...
Pay increase requests are, well, increasing in frequency. And those increases, bring an increase in overall expenses. That’s a lot of increases. Much...
Back in the day when I first started doing compensation work, my more experienced peers spoke of a time when there were double digit merit increases. I...